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Image by Mayron Oliveira

About Us

Canada Bereavement Registry

Helping the bereaved by stopping direct mail to the deceased

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What We Do

The Canada Bereavement Registry is a free consumer service that helps put a stop to  telemarketing calls and direct mail addressed to people who have died, reducing the  levels of distress caused to the relatives and friends who receive them.

Everyone receives direct mail and phone calls from organizations selling their  products and services or for fundraising purposes. Unless these organizations are  informed that a customer, donor or prospect on their database has died, they will  continue to contact that person.

Companies and not for profits that contact the public need to make sure the  information held in their database is accurate and up to date. They do this by  checking their data against lists of people that have moved or stated they do not  wish to receive unsolicited post or phone calls.

Canada Bereavement Registry works in the same way. The deceased contact data provided  on our registration forms is added to a secure data bank. Companies and not for profits can then use this information to remove any matches found within their own marketing database or for purposes that only benefit the bereaved such as identifying life insurance policies.

We are able to offer the Canada Bereavement Registry at no cost to the funeral home industry, estate executors, and individuals as organizations and companies pick up the cost by purchasing our partner service, Canada Deceased List.

Why What We Do Is Important

On average, a Canadian adult will receive approximately 100 items of addressed mail per year. The elderly tend to receive even more direct marketing items due to their reduced presence on the internet. With approximately 300,000 people dying annually in the Canada (based on current figures), this amounts to millions of pieces of unwanted direct mail every year.
We help to prevent grieving relatives and friends from receiving such disturbing correspondence which continually reminds them of their loss. Our service also reduces the environmental impact of the production, delivery, and waste generated by unnecessary direct mail.


We also work with selected life insurers and pension funds to help the bereaved.


We are endorsed by and affiliated with the Funeral Service Association of Canada, Ontario Funeral Service Association, and the British Columbia Funeral Association

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